Saturday 4 June 2016

DATE: 1.6.2016
TIME: 12 p.m.
LOCATION: Taylor University

Entrepreneur Showcase

Today is the entrepreneur showcase and I am superb excited in this exhibition! This entrepreneur showcase required students to set up a room for booth for displaying their products, Not only that, it also involved information sharing section and creating awareness of RC Deaf Missions Malaysia. Before the showcase, we have conducted meeting with Group A, B and C. During the meeting, we have drafted out our poster on the white board and show to Ms. Joyce to ensure there are no grammatical or spelling error. Besides, we also discussed on what material we shall use in designing our board. We have to ensure that the name "RC Deaf Missions Malaysia" is on the board during the showcase time so that anyone who looks at the booth from far would be able to identify it as the RC Deaf Mission Malaysian booth. 

(Interaction between student and lecturer)

(Meeting with the group A, B and C)

(Ms Joyce are very satisfied on our work !)

(A short discussion before we go home!)

After class, I went to met up with my group members together with group A, B and C at 12 p.m. We are required to set up the booth and decorate the board with the materials that we've prepared early. My very first task is to cut the color papers and the printed pictures into a fit size and attach them on the board. Meanwhile, our group leaders are measuring the size of the boards to ensure the color papers and printed poster will be right fit on the boards. There is a lot of team-working involved in this process. We are helping each other to complete the board and display their product before the guests arrive. Not only that, we are helping the members from the other booths too! There are some members come to our booth and borrow material from us. 

(All the members are busying with their own work)

(Almost finish decorating our boards!)

Around 2 p.m. in the afternoon, we have completed to set up our both and made hurry to enter the lecturer hall. There are a talk about sharing on Social Entrepreneurship by Debbie Chao, EO Malaysia and Sadiq Albar, Project 57. After the talk, we went back to the booth and continue our selling business. There is interpersonal skill involved because I need to explain the mission of RCDMM to the customer whoever buy our products. We have earned about RM150 profit by selling the cookies and the books. What i like about photographs is that they capture a moments that's gone forever. There is a group photo section before the end of showcase. I think this showcase is amazing which had provided knowledge that I couldn't find in the textbook. Like what Professor Pradeep Nair had said during the his welcome speech:" Education is not all part of your life. A Degree alone doesn't guarantee success and happiness in life." I must start from the education of the hands and hearts in order to become a successful entrepreneur in the future. I am very happy to do something are connected with helping someone else.

(Group photos section with the guests and 
my lecture before the showcase end !)

Thursday 2 June 2016

DATE: 7.5. 2016
TIME: 10:00 a.m.

Presentation Day

There is a quote say "The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one's grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible." - by E,A. Bucchianeri. Brushstrokes of a Gadfly. Today we will present our website to the guest (representatives from RC Deaf Mission Malaysia and Taylor;s University).Before the presentation, we have conducted two meetings with group members. However, our first meeting is canceled because our leader Ahmed was not around the campus. We named him as "IT Guy". It is because he know a lot about technology stuff. He is very talented as he know how to create a website and use the tools to design the website. Therefore, when he is not around our progress will be slow down.

The second meeting was held on 29 of April. During the meeting, there are conflicts arose because of the different opinions and ideas shared by our members. For instance, Julian and I argued that we should make a video about RC deaf and put inside our website. However, there are few members disagreed and suggested not to put video. Some also suggested we should use the pictures from the RCDMM official website in our project. After the argument, Ahmed suggested that we should use our group photos in our website. Besides, he also suggested to insert testimonies and different types of post, for instance, pinned an gallery. He will then add in Facebook like box together with Instagram and Twitter and Blogger. Thus, the social media user can access to our website. It shows the teamwork spirit and we believe it would attract more viewer.  After 2 hours and a half of meeting, we have done with our website and ready for the presentation.

(Website designed by our group)

During the real presentation, our presenter Julian and Ahmed went smoothly in their speech. It is because we have a rehearsal before the presentation. The other groups also doing fine in their presentation too.

(Our presenter Ahmed (left) and Julian (right).)

In the end of the presentation, it is awful to know that we do not get any price from the guest. However, I have learned skills like aware of and form opinion from diverse perspective in this process. I had found out that it is very difficult to communicate with your members if we do not open our mind and accept the ideas of others. Nonetheless, I have learned thinking and problem solving skills with my members. Despite we have conflicts during the meeting, but we are still able to manage to complete our Website and presentation. Moreover, I have learned how to effectively use of information and communication Technology (ICT) and related technologies. We have learned how to creates a Website in this project. In my opinion, this is the best reward for me. I am glad to have such opportunity to work closely with the deaf people. Form that I have gained a lot of emotions and precious knowledge from deaf people. They are actually very friendly and wanted to make friend with us. I hope we can raise awareness for them so that people form the outside world will know more about them.

(Group photo with our team and the guest from RC Deaf
Mission Malaysia!)

Monday 16 May 2016

DATE: 20,04,2016
TIME: 1.00p.m
LOCATION: Amcorp Mall

 A memorable day in Am-corp Mall

It is the best moment of my life! Experiencing the new challenges and difficulties to communicates with the deaf people in Am-corp Mall. We have decided to visit the the RC Deaf's booth at the Amcorp Mall after we have fished our class. Thus, my members and i gathered at Starbucks before departure.

While we are waiting for our group members , we are having fun in the Starbucks. We are trying to use sign language to communicate with other members. Unfortunately, we are unable to recall back what we had learned in class. We are only able to remember those basic greeting. For example, the basic greeting like Good morning, Good evening and Good night.

About 15 minutes later. we've started to departs from our university to Amcorp Mall. One of our group members (Hwee Yi) will meet up with us at Amcorp Mall. By 1.00 p.m at the afternoon, we have reached Amcorop Mall. We went to meet up with Hwee Yi at the secret recipes in the Mall. After that, we went to visit the RC Deaf's booth in the Mall. 

There is a lady in read approach to us as we walk near to the booth. Surprisingly, she's one of the deaf people in the community and she's working alone at here. We are having difficulties to communicate with her because we are not proficient in sign language. We had tried to seek for help from neighbors but it seems like no one is able to understand the sign language too. However, my leader Ahmed and one of my member Julian have discovered a book which had provided some good guide for us.

(Basic sign language and Alphabet)

Thus, we use the Alphabets and sign language which we found in the book to communicate with her. It takes so long for us to introduce our-self to her. After the end of introduction, we have requested to take photo of the product for our website. Sadly, she denied our request. She told us that the products are not allowed to take photo. In a nutshell, we have decided to take a group photo with her in front of the booths. Before we head back to our university, we have a short discussion and set up the next meeting. Meanwhile, we have our lunch at Secret Recipes.

(Photo with the team !)


(Lunch with team in Secret Recipes !)

I have learned communication skill and teamwork in this trip. For example, we are helping each other to communicate with the deaf lady and take photo in front of her booth. It is my very first time, face-to-face to communicate with the deaf people. I felt how awful that we are unable to communicate with her. Besides, i felt sorry to her because she is trying her best to communicate with us but we do not really understand at all. I think we must learn more about sign language. So that we can understand more about their life. Most importantly, we can be friend with them.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

DATE: 6.4.2016
TIME: 4:00 p.m.
LOCATION: LT 21 & c6.04

The RC Deaf Mission Malaysia

It was such an amazing and interesting lecture class that i had in my live, able to work closely with the deaf people in the class! I finally got an golden opportunity to meet the founder of RC Deaf Missions Malaysia (RCDMM), Mr Mario Peter, giving us an interesting topic regarding on the life of deaf people. Based on the presentation of Mr Mario Peter had given, i am very surprised and amazed that the words and colors in RC Deaf Missions has it own implications. The letter of RC is Reginal Coeli, which were an old friend of Mr Mario Peter's grandmother and she helped a lot of people. The blue color represent missions, that are something they want to do for the deaf people. The color of yellow represent the brightness of the Deaf person's life and the 3 person image represent developing or bettering the deaf people's life.

Not only that, i also found out that there are many deaf people living outside the world without guidance and help. Therefore, the RC Deaf Mission Malaysia RCDMM are hereby to enhance deaf livelihood. They have created job opportunity for the deaf people, for example, the deaf people will gain salaries by baking cookies and deliver to customers. On top of that, they have created a lot of activities at 2010 to enhance the knowledge of the deaf people, teaching them the sign languages. The activities included knowledge Building programmers for the Deaf, knowledge building for Singers and interpreters and so on. I am very glad that the deaf people are able to attend classes and activities like us! 

Moreover, the deaf people are actually talented in many way! The beautiful fabric are made up by deaf people during the 2008 deaf fashion show at Sunway Pyramid. Besides, there are some talented artist are deaf people. They are able to paint a fantastic art work and made a lot of sale during the Deaf Art expose event. There are some artists from Malaysia, Japan and Vietnam which produce a detail and beautiful art work stunning the whole world. 

I have learned specific knowledge about deaf people. For example, how they are aware of alarm clock is ringing in the morning, There are some special device which installed under the pillow and vibrate when it hit the time. I also learned the basic sign language regarding on greeting and the foods and family by using hands and arms instead of using mouth. Nonetheless, i have learned observation skill in the class. I found that it is very difficult to use sign language completely without talking. We have to do both observing and perceiving the information from the deaf people and act in the same time. I think RC Deaf has created huge impact for us. We are finally able to communicate with each other and closer the gap between us. I am happy to learn all the sign language so that i can start to communicate with the deaf people. 

A piece of art work produced by deaf people!