Monday 16 May 2016

DATE: 20,04,2016
TIME: 1.00p.m
LOCATION: Amcorp Mall

 A memorable day in Am-corp Mall

It is the best moment of my life! Experiencing the new challenges and difficulties to communicates with the deaf people in Am-corp Mall. We have decided to visit the the RC Deaf's booth at the Amcorp Mall after we have fished our class. Thus, my members and i gathered at Starbucks before departure.

While we are waiting for our group members , we are having fun in the Starbucks. We are trying to use sign language to communicate with other members. Unfortunately, we are unable to recall back what we had learned in class. We are only able to remember those basic greeting. For example, the basic greeting like Good morning, Good evening and Good night.

About 15 minutes later. we've started to departs from our university to Amcorp Mall. One of our group members (Hwee Yi) will meet up with us at Amcorp Mall. By 1.00 p.m at the afternoon, we have reached Amcorop Mall. We went to meet up with Hwee Yi at the secret recipes in the Mall. After that, we went to visit the RC Deaf's booth in the Mall. 

There is a lady in read approach to us as we walk near to the booth. Surprisingly, she's one of the deaf people in the community and she's working alone at here. We are having difficulties to communicate with her because we are not proficient in sign language. We had tried to seek for help from neighbors but it seems like no one is able to understand the sign language too. However, my leader Ahmed and one of my member Julian have discovered a book which had provided some good guide for us.

(Basic sign language and Alphabet)

Thus, we use the Alphabets and sign language which we found in the book to communicate with her. It takes so long for us to introduce our-self to her. After the end of introduction, we have requested to take photo of the product for our website. Sadly, she denied our request. She told us that the products are not allowed to take photo. In a nutshell, we have decided to take a group photo with her in front of the booths. Before we head back to our university, we have a short discussion and set up the next meeting. Meanwhile, we have our lunch at Secret Recipes.

(Photo with the team !)


(Lunch with team in Secret Recipes !)

I have learned communication skill and teamwork in this trip. For example, we are helping each other to communicate with the deaf lady and take photo in front of her booth. It is my very first time, face-to-face to communicate with the deaf people. I felt how awful that we are unable to communicate with her. Besides, i felt sorry to her because she is trying her best to communicate with us but we do not really understand at all. I think we must learn more about sign language. So that we can understand more about their life. Most importantly, we can be friend with them.

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