Saturday 4 June 2016

DATE: 1.6.2016
TIME: 12 p.m.
LOCATION: Taylor University

Entrepreneur Showcase

Today is the entrepreneur showcase and I am superb excited in this exhibition! This entrepreneur showcase required students to set up a room for booth for displaying their products, Not only that, it also involved information sharing section and creating awareness of RC Deaf Missions Malaysia. Before the showcase, we have conducted meeting with Group A, B and C. During the meeting, we have drafted out our poster on the white board and show to Ms. Joyce to ensure there are no grammatical or spelling error. Besides, we also discussed on what material we shall use in designing our board. We have to ensure that the name "RC Deaf Missions Malaysia" is on the board during the showcase time so that anyone who looks at the booth from far would be able to identify it as the RC Deaf Mission Malaysian booth. 

(Interaction between student and lecturer)

(Meeting with the group A, B and C)

(Ms Joyce are very satisfied on our work !)

(A short discussion before we go home!)

After class, I went to met up with my group members together with group A, B and C at 12 p.m. We are required to set up the booth and decorate the board with the materials that we've prepared early. My very first task is to cut the color papers and the printed pictures into a fit size and attach them on the board. Meanwhile, our group leaders are measuring the size of the boards to ensure the color papers and printed poster will be right fit on the boards. There is a lot of team-working involved in this process. We are helping each other to complete the board and display their product before the guests arrive. Not only that, we are helping the members from the other booths too! There are some members come to our booth and borrow material from us. 

(All the members are busying with their own work)

(Almost finish decorating our boards!)

Around 2 p.m. in the afternoon, we have completed to set up our both and made hurry to enter the lecturer hall. There are a talk about sharing on Social Entrepreneurship by Debbie Chao, EO Malaysia and Sadiq Albar, Project 57. After the talk, we went back to the booth and continue our selling business. There is interpersonal skill involved because I need to explain the mission of RCDMM to the customer whoever buy our products. We have earned about RM150 profit by selling the cookies and the books. What i like about photographs is that they capture a moments that's gone forever. There is a group photo section before the end of showcase. I think this showcase is amazing which had provided knowledge that I couldn't find in the textbook. Like what Professor Pradeep Nair had said during the his welcome speech:" Education is not all part of your life. A Degree alone doesn't guarantee success and happiness in life." I must start from the education of the hands and hearts in order to become a successful entrepreneur in the future. I am very happy to do something are connected with helping someone else.

(Group photos section with the guests and 
my lecture before the showcase end !)

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